


Essential KQ Fertilizers

Kugler KQ342 - The Topdress Champion
Prod2A multi-nutrient designed to help wheat get a running start after a long winter. Specially formulated for use in cold temperatures and cold soils to help plants develop an efficient root system. Helps wheat put energy into growing instead of fighting to find food. Nutrients: N-K-S-Zn ...

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KQ Specialty Fertilizers

Kugler KQ-XRN - Slow Release Nitrogen 

Corn After Kqxrn

Kugler KQ-XRN is a proprietary nitrogen (28-0-0) formulation with 72 % slow release nitrogen.  Foliar or in-furrow, Kugler KQ-XRN provides high-quality nitrogen for your plants for a long, long time -- up to 10 weeks in the soil a...

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ATS: Ammonium Thiosulfate

Ammonium Thiosulfate (ATS 12-0-0-26S)

Ats Bottle

ATS is a standard product of the U.S. fluid fertilizer industry. Adding Ammonium Thiosulfate (ATS) (12-0-0-26S) to UAN solutions is the economical, effective and convenient way to stabilize and maximize costly nitrogen and increase your NUE value. It's elementary-ATS stabilizes and maximizes your nitrogen, improvin...

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Lawn Care

K-Lawn™: A proven part-time business model for motivated entrepreneurs who enjoy being outdoors.

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K-Lawn is Kugler Company’s lawn care division that, for the past 25 years, has helped dozens of entrepreneurs build successful lawn care businesses across the Midwest.

K-Lawn is a dealership, not a franchise. It’s your busines...

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New Product Introduction

Our Product Development team has been working on creating new products to better serve our customers.  Call today to find out more!

KS353X and KS1712 were born out of necessity rather than curiosity.  As part of the Kugler's YEP Program, it became apparent to our core team that potassium, sulfur and extended use nitrogen were needed by the participants and these two products were made with that in mind.  Both contain slow release nitrogen (SRN), potassium and sulfur.  KS353X being used for gradual increases of these nutrients ...

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